3 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Travelling

March 13, 2020
La Vida Resort Samui

Regardless of whether you’re doing going on one to explore more or give yourself some much-needed rest, there’s no denying the fact that vacations are the most special time anyone can have in the world.

Why vacations are vital for anyone

Thanks to the fact that it not only helps people expand their worldviews but also allows anyone to develop physically, mentally, and spiritually, vacations are a gift that helps show the very best of what life is all about. No matter where you may be in the world, a vacation can easily show itself as a much-needed experience for anyone that has been consecutively-stressed and battered by the strife of everyday life.

By providing anyone with the opportunity to break away from their daily routine and relax for a short while, a vacation can easily boost anyone’s health, career, and relationships with an abundance of opportunities.

Now, as easy as it may be to say that you need a vacation if you’re been failing to keep up the with the heavy load of living life, making sure you get to have the best experience is an entirely different story— especially when it comes to avoiding costly mistakes altogether. 

If you’ve been itching to go on a vacation and finally have the chance to enjoy a much-needed breather from everyday life but want to do it all as safely as possible, here a few “don’ts” to consider:

Don’t over-plan your trip

The easiest way to spoil your entire vacation is to unwittingly get yourself in an uncomfortable situation that swaps out enjoyment for time-pressure situations by over-planning. 

As much as best practice can dictate that planning as much as possible is key to a successful experience, over-planning poses the risk of losing authenticity in the trip. Instead of being able to go with the flow by depending on a bit of spontaneity to spice up your vacation, overplanning can make the entire trip feel more like a requirement than a privilege. 

If you’re looking to make your trip out of town a far more enjoyable one, then it would be much better to follow a plan of only planning for bare necessities and must-see activities while leaving the rest of your itinerary to chance upon landing.

Don’t lug your work along during the trip itself

An all-too-common mistake that people make when they go on a much-needed vacation is bringing their work with them— essentially stripping away the entire aspect of relaxation.

Before you head out on your trip, it is vital to ensure that you take the necessary precautions to stay as far away as possible from any form of work. Sure, it might seem like a burden to your company for taking a few much-needed days off, but nothing terrible’s going to happen because work will still continue to take place even while you’re away on a vacation.

For example, if you’ve finally booked a dream trip to Koh Samui and reserved your stay at La Vida Samui, then make sure to file your leave as soon as you get your ticket!

Don’t forget to book and reserve everything you plan to do in advance

Now, we may have mentioned in the past points that spontaneity is key to an enjoyable experience during a vacation, but it’s also vital that you prepare properly for all the necessary details during your trip. Certain parts of your trip such as high-demand gastronomic experiences, hotel reservations, and activities are best reserved (and optionally paid for) in advance to ensure everything goes smoothly throughout your trip.

Final words

Having a hassle-free vacation experience isn’t just something that entails knowing what to do, but also requires knowing exactly what not to do in the days leading up to and during your trip as well. We’re a beach resort in Koh Samui, get in touch with us today to book your stay.


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